Tamil Nadu needs to play cohesive international role

Given her background and qualities, Ms. Jayalalitha has a chance of becoming an all India leader of international reputation, provided she fills in the vacuum created by the failure of New Delhi led by Sonia Congress and plays the card of the national question of Eezham Tamils and the geopolitical importance of Tamil Nadu, at an international trend-setting level, commented an Eezham Tamil diaspora studies academic in Europe. Meanwhile, Mr. Karunanidhi and his political family of long Tamil national heritage, now being in the opposition and free from bondage to New Delhi, have a more articulating but cohesive and historic role to play in setting the record right for their coming back, and all new front aspirants have to concentrate on genuine and progressive civil society movements, the academic further said.

Further comments from the academic:

All political forces of Tamil Nadu have received the overwhelming mandate from the people to perform the task. The mandate can be used even by Mr. Karunanidhi to come out of servitude.

“I can act on this regard as the CM on a limited way, but this is an international issue. Therefore, the central government should take action to resolve this," Ms. Jayalalitha said in her victory speech in Jaya TV, Friday.

But as Indian political science and policy planning academics like Prof. Suryanarayan have pointed out sometimes back, Indian states have to assert to their role in deciding the foreign policy of India and a trend-setting role has to be played by Tamil Nadu that has a global diaspora background.

Ms. Jayalalitha, heavily mandated by the people of Tamil Nadu, has already set the international trend by openly saying what had happened in the island is genocide. Her stand is sure to expose not only New Delhi’s policy planners who try to mask the genocide they abetted in the island, but also Blakes, Eriks and so many other Western diplomats who sit on the word because it will justify the demand of Eezham Tamils.

When the Eezham Tamil diaspora, showing its full demographic strength, repeatedly demonstrates for the recognition of the genocide committed on them, the international establishments of vested interests have ways of demonising the diaspora and discredit it.

But now the people of Tamil Nadu and their elected chief minister says that and to suit the unfolding paradigm it is time for the Western establishments to replace Blakes and Eriks who failed in their diplomacy and now try only to prove themselves right.

The performance of the two communist parties in the elections of Tamil Nadu is spectacular- almost 90 percent success. A large number of young generation voters enthusiastically participated in the elections in which the voter turnout was an unprecedented 80 percent. A new party led by Mr. Vijaykanth has come to the forefront in the elections. New socio-political movements worked behind the scene in deciding the trends. The sacrifices of people like Muthukumar have made a silent impact in the ‘silent revolution’.

Tamil Nadu has to effectively make use of the whole scenario to build up civil society movements needed for a new genre of polity for its own real development and to get its rightful place in the international geopolitics.