Locate your relatives under Sri Lankan Govt Genocidal Attack in Vanni

If you have any relatives in Vanni please use this Teacing Service offered by ICRC and put pressure on them to trace them, send food and medicine & give them the freedom to live in their home land and not in military detention centers etc. We have more than 300,000 of our relatives in Vanni and our individual requests will definitely put pressure in authorities to stop the Genocidal war on Tamils.


To Locate your relatives currently under Sri Lankan Government Genocidal Attack in Vanni please use Tracing Services provided by ICRC.

Contact Details for Tracing Service in Australia



The following services are provided free of charge:

- help in locating a relative missing as a result of war or disaster
- help in sending a message to a relative where there is no formal means of communication
- help in checking the welfare of a relative overseas whom you are unable to reach due to illness or other circumstances
- help in providing you with a confirmation of detention if the International Committee of the Red Cross visited you in detention overseas.

The program can help when:
- loss of contact results from war or natural disaster
- the enquirer and missing person are close relatives
- the enquirer and missing person are long-time friends or war veterans or have been interned in a prison camp together
- the missing person is overseas in a war or disaster area
- the missing person is in an immigration facility in mainland Australia or offshore
in situations not related to a conflict or disaster, Red Cross may process tracing requests on a compassionate basis.

How to access Tracing services
To start the process, contact Red Cross in your State or Territory and ask to speak to a Tracing officer.
The tracing officer will need to know the missing person's details including:
their full name as it is expressed locally
their parents' names
their date and place of birth
their nationality
last known address
the date and circumstances of last news.

They will also need your details including:
full name
relationship to the person sought
date of birth.

Red Cross cannot accept requests when there is insufficient information to conduct a search, when it is for genealogical research or relates to legal matters such as wills and child custody.
By email: go to the Contact Us page and select 'Tracing Enquiries' from the drop-down menu. Complete your details and use the 'Message' field to provide details of your enquiry.
By phone: go to the State or Territory contacts page to find telephone details for your State or Territory, then ask to speak to a Tracing Officer.
Red Cross National Office

Street: 155 Pelham Street Carlton VIC 3053
Postal: PO Box 196 Carlton Vic 3053
ABN: 50 169 561 394
Telephone: 03 9345 1800
Facsimile: 03 9348 2513
Email: natinfo@redcross.org.au

Red Cross State and Territory Offices

Australian Capital Territory
Street: Cnr. Hindmarsh Drive and Palmer Street Garran ACT 2605
Postal: PO Box 610 Mawson ACT 2607
Telephone: 02 6234 7600
Facsimile: 02 6234 7650
Email: actinfo@redcross.org.au

New South Wales
Street: 159 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: 02 9229 4111
Facsimile: 02 9229 4244
Email: nswinfo@redcross.org.au

Northern Territory
Street: Cnr. Lambell Terrace & Schultz Street Larrakeyah NT 0820
Postal: GPO Box 81 Darwin NT 0801
Telephone: 08 8924 3900
Facsimile: 08 8924 3909
Email: ntinfo@redcross.org.au
Street: Humanity Place 49 Park Road Milton QLD 4064
Postal: PO Box 1822 Milton QLD 4064
Telephone: 07 3367 7222
Facsimile: 07 3367 7444
Email: qldinfo@redcross.org.au

South Australia
Street: 207-217 Wakefield Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
Postal: PO Box 2265 Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: 08 8100 4500
Facsimile: 08 8100 4501
Email: sainfo@redcross.org.au

Street: 40 Melville Street Hobart TAS 7000
Postal: GPO Box 211 Hobart TAS 7001
Telephone: 03 6235 6077
Facsimile 03 6231 1250
Email: tasinfo@redcross.org.au

Street: 23-47 Villiers Street North Melbourne VIC 3051
Postal: GPO Box 9949 Melbourne VIC 3001
Telephone: 03 8327 7700
Facsimile: 03 8327 7711
Email: vicinfo@redcross.org.au

Western Australia
Street: 110 Goderich Street East Perth WA 6004
Postal: GPO Box P1239 Perth WA 6844
Telephone: 08 9225 8888
Facsimile: 08 9325 5112
Email: wainfo@redcross.org.au

S Karunalingam
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