US wants ‘quick demonstration’ of Sri Lanka’s willingness to investigate mass killings

U.S. Department of State - Great Seal

The United States on Tuesday again called for “a full, credible, and independent investigation” into accusations of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and accountability for such violations, and urged Sri Lanka to “quickly demonstrate that it is able and willing to meet these obligations,” warning that otherwise “international accountability mechanisms can become appropriate.” The position was articulated by the US State Department’s spokesperson.

Full text of the exchange with the U.S. State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, Tuesday follows:

Question: What is the U.S. view regarding accountability in Sri Lanka?
Answer: As we have stated before, the United States supports a full, credible, and independent investigation of alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and accountability for such violations. While domestic authorities have primary responsibility to ensure that those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law are held accountable, international accountability mechanisms can become appropriate in circumstances in which a state is unable or unwilling to meet its obligations. We continue to urge the Government of Sri Lanka to quickly demonstrate that it is able and willing to meet these obligations as it seeks reconciliation. We hope the Sri Lankans will themselves do this, but if they do not, there will be growing pressure from the international community to examine other options.

Commenting on the above statement, Francis A Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, and the author of "The Tamil Genocide by Sri Lanka (Clarity Press: 2010)," said: "The Government of Sri Lanka [GOSL] have made it perfectly clear that they have no intention to investigate and prosecute anyone, let alone reconcile with the Tamils, whom they are continuing to destroy.

"It is beyond time for the Obama administration to insist that U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon appoint an Independent Commission to investigate and prepare for the prosecution of GOSL officials for the genocidal Vanni Massacre of 40,000+ Tamils. The establishment of such a Commission might also send a very powerful message to the GOSL to cease and desist their ongoing genocide against the Tamils.

"Otherwise, the Obama administration’s professed adherence to the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect shall prove itself to be a joke, a fraud, a delusion, and propaganda. Tamils are not the children of a lesser God," Prof. Boyle said.

External Links:
Sri Lanka: Accountability for Alleged Violations of International Human Rights Law

Sri Lanka: Accountability for Alleged Violations of International Human Rights Law (Taken Question)

Taken Question
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC

Question Taken at the June 27, 2011 Daily Press Briefing
June 28, 2011

Question: What is the U.S. view regarding accountability in Sri Lanka?

Answer: As we have stated before, the United States supports a full, credible, and independent investigation of alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and accountability for such violations. While domestic authorities have primary responsibility to ensure that those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law are held accountable, international accountability mechanisms can become appropriate in circumstances in which a state is unable or unwilling to meet its obligations.

We continue to urge the Government of Sri Lanka to quickly demonstrate that it is able and willing to meet these obligations as it seeks reconciliation. We hope the Sri Lankans will themselves do this, but if they do not, there will be growing pressure from the international community to examine other options.

PRN: 2011/1081