Rae criticizes Conservative “human smuggling”ad

Pointing out that "[t]he Tamil community is a source of pride to Canada – its members continue to make a huge contribution to our country [Canada]," Bob Rae, former Ontario Premier and a prominent Canadian politician, said the Conservative advertisement on human smuggling using the picture of the MV Sun Sea is "based on fear, and is directly prejudicial to a fair determination of refugee claims."

Full text of Bob Rae's entry in his liberal blog follows:

Former Ontario Premier Bob Rae
Former Ontario Premier Bob Rae
The Conservative Ad on “human smuggling” and refugees crosses an important line.

It is based on fear, and is directly prejudicial to a fair determination of refugee claims that are currently being considered. The use of the picture of the MV Sun Sea – twice – amid statements about “crimes,” “smugglers,” and attacks on the Liberal Party – clearly leads to no other interpretation than that those individuals aboard this boat are criminals and illegitimate refugees.

The use of negative and hateful stereotypes is an age-old technique – but its vintage is no excuse, and does not make it any less prejudicial. The principle that people’s claims have to be considered fairly, and free of any prejudice, is integral to Canada’s commitment to the rule of law.

The Tamil community is a source of pride to Canada – its members continue to make a huge contribution to our country. Difficult conditions in Sri Lanka over forty years have meant that many Tamils have left their homes and come to Canada. The community’s commitment to education, achievement, and success in business, the professions, the arts and in all walks of Canadian life, are well known.

The Conservatives should reflect on their propaganda campaign and what it does to these facts about the Tamil community and Canada. Mr Harper should be ashamed of this ad.

30.03.11 NCCT demands apology over Canadian ad labelling re..

NCCT demands apology over Canadian ad labelling refugees as criminals

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 30 March 2011, 03:19 GMT]
The National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT) called on Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, to withdraw a Conservative party election advertisement that calls Tamil refugees as "criminals", demanded an apology to Tamil Canadians, media in Toronto reported. The ad features a photo of the MV Sun Sea which arrived off the shores of British Colombia in August last year with 491 Tamil refugees fleeing war and persecution from Sri Lanka-a country where the President, his brothers, and several Army Commanders have allegedly committed war crimes. The ad calls the Tamils aboard "criminals" who trying to abuse Canadian generosity.

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"This election ad is xenophobic and borders on racism," said Krisna Saravanamuttu, NCCT spokesperson. "It is reminiscent of the political rhetoric used to turn back Sikhs and Hindus on board the Kamagata Maru in 1914, and Jewish refugees on board the MS St. Louis fleeing persecution in 1939. In these cases, refugees fleeing persecution were labeled "criminals" and vilified by politicians appealing to the worst instincts of Canadians to score political points and votes," a Toronto-based financial publication reported, quoting NCCT spokesperson.

"We are confident that Prime Minister Harper would not have approved this ad, if he had seen it," said Saravanamuttu. "We urge the Prime Minister to review the ad and do the right thing by removing it from his party's campaign website as well as the party's You Tube account and apologize for labeling refugees and immigrants as criminals."

The NCCT also calls on the leaders of Canada's major political parties, Conservative candidates, and human rights groups like the Canadian Jewish Congress, Bnai Brith, and Amnesty International to review the CPC ad and join with us in calling for its retraction. "This election should be about uniting Canadians, no matter our ethnicity and how we arrived in Canada," noted Saravanamuttu, according to the financial publication.


External Links:
Refugees are not criminals: NCCT demands removal of Conservative Party ad and apology