Tamil Nadu leftist youth who went to South Africa for the gathering of international leftist students and youth, attended by 15,000 delegates from 126 countries, exposed the anti-human war Sri Lanka waged against Eezham Tamils. Speaking on the occasion, Dakshinamoorthy Lenin, the Tamil Nadu head of All India Youth Federation, described the war last year as genocide against Eezham Tamils, condemned Colombo’s treatment of Tamil youth, accused India for abetment through inaction, and pointed out that the war has not brought in political justice. Meanwhile, Colombo sent 180 politicians and youth to the event in a chartered flight along with Namal Rajapaksa and higher education minister S.B. Dissanayake. Unruly in defending Colombo, the SL team was reminded by the organisers that it was not ‘Sri Lankan parliament.’ Rallying international students stopped Dissanayake addressing a session.
The World Festival of Youth and Students is an international event, organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), a left-wing youth organization, jointly with the International Union of Students since 1947.
In the past it was viewed as a mobilisation of the Soviet Bloc.
“63 years after the first World Festival of Youth was organized in Prague, we highlight the important role that the Socialist camp has played in the support of this top event of the anti-imperialist youth”, the final declaration of the event held between 13 and 21 December said.
The theme of the meet this time was "Lets Defeat Imperialism for a world of Peace, Solidarity and Social Transformation."
One of the highlights of the declaration was the issue of immigrant rights arising out of imperialist war mongering policies and economic policies. No human being can be illegal, the declaration said.
The declaration condemned imperialist organs such as NATO, AFRICOM, EU, IMF, WB, WTO, for blockades, sanctions, embargos, conflicts, military intervention, wars and occupations against sovereign states and progressive movements.
Supporting a national question, the declaration said, “We strongly condemn the continued military occupation of Western Sahara by the Kingdom of Morocco and request the respect of the Saharawi people right to self-determination and independence.”
“The Moroccan government should immediately put an end to the blockade of the occupied territories of Western Sahara and allow entry into the territory to international observers and independent media”.
“We denounce and condemn all forms of human rights violations including persecutions, arbitrary detentions, disappearances and irregular trials etc., committed by the Moroccan authorities against the Saharawi civilians and demand the release of all political detainees and the disband of the wall diving the territory,” the declaration said.
In the case of Nepal in South Asia the declaration said, “We express our solidarity towards the people and youth of Nepal in their struggle for a new federal democratic republic”.
But on the question of the decades long genocide and national liberation struggle of Eezham Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka, the declaration of the Marxist gathering of former Soviet orientation, ended up with a negative and wanting statement: “We express support for Sri Lanka's progressive movements struggle for national unity.”
Imperialism of all the powers operating hand in hand with genocidal Sri Lanka and the test case of Eezham Tamils, which the international Marxists should have seriously taken up for consideration, became obscured in the gathering by internal issues of Sinhala leftists, student problems in the south and by a calculated thuggish show of Colombo.
There were 20 MPs, an equal number of provincial councillors and around 40 local councillors were in the team of 180 sent by Colombo in a chartered flight to South Africa, reports Sunday Times. Colombo didn’t include JVP among the delegates.
The SL Higher Education Minister S B Dissanayake, while speaking in Colombo on 18th December, admitted how the Sri Lankan government, which always like to see its youth naked, handled student issues in the south:
"We assaulted the protesting students at the Dehiwala Higher Technical Institute and chased them away leaving them only with their underwear and, in Peradeniya, we stripped the fasting students naked and chased them away. [...] Venerable monks, it t took only four minutes to slap two or three on their ears and chase them. [...] They ran along the street in their underwear around 8 p.m. [...] In Peradeniya [...] there was a big fast. We went [there] around at 3 a.m. [...] We stripped them naked and chased them away." (newsfirst.lk, December 19, 2010)
International students stopped Dissanayake from addressing a session in South Africa, according to Daily Mirror on Saturday.
Just like the capitalist world and its institutions that are accused for the global human tragedy, the Marxists themselves fail to see the issues beyond the oppressive state formula of today and beyond the interests of their blocs. That’s how they miss the crux of the problem in the island of Sri Lanka and are unable to communicate with the real youth victims in the island and in the diaspora who have the genuine spirit for struggle, commented an Eezham Tamil student activist.
If the Tamil Nadu delegates had not voiced, the struggle and plight of Eezham Tamils would not have found exposure at this particular shade of international mobilisation.
“On behalf of 75 million Tamils of Tamil Nadu and 1120 millions of Indians, we submit the request to you to urge international community to probe an independent war crime investigation in Sri Lanka and also uphold the democratic rights and dignity of Tamils in Sri Lanka,” said Mr. Lenin of All India Youth Federation (AIYF), reading a paper at Pretoria, “Save Tamils in Sri Lanka.”
“Tamils in Sri Lanka are original inhabitants, ethnic people in the island as like Sinhala people in Sri Lanka [...] It is the responsibility of the international community to find a political solution to the longstanding national question of Eelam Tamils who currently face multifaceted genocide by the Sri Lankan State,” he further said.
Despite genuine disposition and need, the new generation of Eezham Tamil youth face a particular lacuna in internationally articulating their liberation aspiration in the leftist arena.
They are silenced and oppressed at home. The Marxists of their nation, who complain 'lack of politics' with the LTTE in the past, do not either come forward now to give that international politics to the youth or get carried away by the illusion of Sri Lankan State to contribute to the genocide.
Meanwhile, in the search for liberation in the backyards of the very powers that ditched them, Tamil political formations fail to give the international liberation profile to its youth.
The World Festival of Youth and Students is an international event, organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), a left-wing youth organization, jointly with the International Union of Students since 1947.
In the past it was viewed as a mobilisation of the Soviet Bloc.
“63 years after the first World Festival of Youth was organized in Prague, we highlight the important role that the Socialist camp has played in the support of this top event of the anti-imperialist youth”, the final declaration of the event held between 13 and 21 December said.
The theme of the meet this time was "Lets Defeat Imperialism for a world of Peace, Solidarity and Social Transformation."
One of the highlights of the declaration was the issue of immigrant rights arising out of imperialist war mongering policies and economic policies. No human being can be illegal, the declaration said.
The declaration condemned imperialist organs such as NATO, AFRICOM, EU, IMF, WB, WTO, for blockades, sanctions, embargos, conflicts, military intervention, wars and occupations against sovereign states and progressive movements.
Supporting a national question, the declaration said, “We strongly condemn the continued military occupation of Western Sahara by the Kingdom of Morocco and request the respect of the Saharawi people right to self-determination and independence.”
“The Moroccan government should immediately put an end to the blockade of the occupied territories of Western Sahara and allow entry into the territory to international observers and independent media”.
“We denounce and condemn all forms of human rights violations including persecutions, arbitrary detentions, disappearances and irregular trials etc., committed by the Moroccan authorities against the Saharawi civilians and demand the release of all political detainees and the disband of the wall diving the territory,” the declaration said.
In the case of Nepal in South Asia the declaration said, “We express our solidarity towards the people and youth of Nepal in their struggle for a new federal democratic republic”.
But on the question of the decades long genocide and national liberation struggle of Eezham Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka, the declaration of the Marxist gathering of former Soviet orientation, ended up with a negative and wanting statement: “We express support for Sri Lanka's progressive movements struggle for national unity.”
Imperialism of all the powers operating hand in hand with genocidal Sri Lanka and the test case of Eezham Tamils, which the international Marxists should have seriously taken up for consideration, became obscured in the gathering by internal issues of Sinhala leftists, student problems in the south and by a calculated thuggish show of Colombo.
There were 20 MPs, an equal number of provincial councillors and around 40 local councillors were in the team of 180 sent by Colombo in a chartered flight to South Africa, reports Sunday Times. Colombo didn’t include JVP among the delegates.
The number that has come from Sri Lanka was unusual this time, said Mr. Lenin. The Indian delegates altogether numbered 273. Colombo also sent Sinhala dancers to entertain the gathering.
The SL Higher Education Minister S B Dissanayake, while speaking in Colombo on 18th December, admitted how the Sri Lankan government, which always like to see its youth naked, handled student issues in the south:
"We assaulted the protesting students at the Dehiwala Higher Technical Institute and chased them away leaving them only with their underwear and, in Peradeniya, we stripped the fasting students naked and chased them away. [...] Venerable monks, it t took only four minutes to slap two or three on their ears and chase them. [...] They ran along the street in their underwear around 8 p.m. [...] In Peradeniya [...] there was a big fast. We went [there] around at 3 a.m. [...] We stripped them naked and chased them away." (newsfirst.lk, December 19, 2010)
International students stopped Dissanayake from addressing a session in South Africa, according to Daily Mirror on Saturday.
Just like the capitalist world and its institutions that are accused for the global human tragedy, the Marxists themselves fail to see the issues beyond the oppressive state formula of today and beyond the interests of their blocs. That’s how they miss the crux of the problem in the island of Sri Lanka and are unable to communicate with the real youth victims in the island and in the diaspora who have the genuine spirit for struggle, commented an Eezham Tamil student activist.
If the Tamil Nadu delegates had not voiced, the struggle and plight of Eezham Tamils would not have found exposure at this particular shade of international mobilisation.
“On behalf of 75 million Tamils of Tamil Nadu and 1120 millions of Indians, we submit the request to you to urge international community to probe an independent war crime investigation in Sri Lanka and also uphold the democratic rights and dignity of Tamils in Sri Lanka,” said Mr. Lenin of All India Youth Federation (AIYF), reading a paper at Pretoria, “Save Tamils in Sri Lanka.”
“Tamils in Sri Lanka are original inhabitants, ethnic people in the island as like Sinhala people in Sri Lanka [...] It is the responsibility of the international community to find a political solution to the longstanding national question of Eelam Tamils who currently face multifaceted genocide by the Sri Lankan State,” he further said.
Despite genuine disposition and need, the new generation of Eezham Tamil youth face a particular lacuna in internationally articulating their liberation aspiration in the leftist arena.
They are silenced and oppressed at home. The Marxists of their nation, who complain 'lack of politics' with the LTTE in the past, do not either come forward now to give that international politics to the youth or get carried away by the illusion of Sri Lankan State to contribute to the genocide.
Meanwhile, in the search for liberation in the backyards of the very powers that ditched them, Tamil political formations fail to give the international liberation profile to its youth.