Welcome speech for President Rajapakse in Houston by Tamil Attorney leaves everybody speechless, and lost for words.

In a brilliant speech, thoughtfully prepared, eloquently delivered, though in a respectful fashion, with hard hitting messages which are still vibrating in the Sri Lankan community in the USA, Canada and worldwide, the well known Tamil attorney left everyone speechless. President Rajapakse and his entourage was said to be upset with the message delivered by the Tamil attorney in such a public gathering, which left little to be said in private.

Details of George R Willy, a man of courage rarely seen among the Tamil diaspora. He is a past President of Asian Bar Assoiciation of Houston in 1991-1992 period. Mr Wiley left Sri Lanka in 1975 and has had his law office in Houston and Atlanta for 25 years. His wife Shanthi grew up in Diyatalawa a military base where her father was a Captain in the Sri Lankan army.

George Willy requested President Rajapakse to build a monument like Duttu Gemunu to the Tamils who died, and politely demanded respect for the Tamils who he said should not be treated like second class citizens. If not, he said, instead of killing one Prabhakaran he would allow many more Prabhakarans to grow.

What a stunning and courageous message.