Deepan Vigneswaran –for Toronto District School Board Trustee - Ward 21

For over twenty one years, I have seen the growth of Rouge River as a child and as an adult. Our public education system has not kept with the growth of Rouge River. Our students need better recognition and greater opportunities. As your school board trustee, I have the first hand experience and knowledge to fight for our fair share at the Toronto District School Board.

Deepan has helped us fight the school board's plans to close and sell 60-100 public schools in Toronto- five public schools in Scarborough were closed this year with many more closures planned for after the election. Chris Glover - Chair of Save Ontario Schools

Deepan is not only for his ward but also has been involved thoroughly in other wards too, like ours! As far as I know him he is a promising candidate who will work for the community and children selflessly. Tarannum Khan - CUPE 4400 member, ERP Coordinator Brooks Road Public School

Deepan talking to concerned parents at the South Asian Autism Awarness Centre