Lest We Forget: Children affected by Genocidal War Crimes of Colombo

Tamils all over the world mark 18 May as Genocidal War Crimes Day, observing one year remembrance of thousands who perished in the war, waged by the Sri Lankan state and its abettors, on the de-facto state of Tamil Eelam. Despite its repeated pledges to the International Community, the Sri Lankan state and its military machine vowing to erase 'separatism demand' from Tamils for generations, to turn heavy arms on civilian population claiming the lives of thousands of children and women in addition to depriving them of food, medicine and medical evacuation on time. The conduct of the Sri Lankan state, which disregarded all norms of humanity in the war, has posed a civilisational question, and justice remains undelivered. TamilNet releases 14 of 512 photos taken by a humanitarian worker to mark the Genocidal War Crimes Day.

The Tamil humanitarian worker, who took the photographs, has fled the island after witnessing the last stages of the war.

Damilvany Gnanakumar, a biomedicine graduate Eezham Tamil of British citizenship, who witnessed the war and now a key witness to the civilian loss, is seen treating a wounded civilian in the first photo:

GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance
GWC DAY 1st year remembrance


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