Many Eezham Tamils are elated at the idea of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. But it seems the concept has been hijacked at the outset itself to turn it into another CEO of corporate colonialism. TamilNet, which was advocating for Transnational Government even before the pronouncement of the present move, will not advise Eezham Tamils to abandon the move. Rather, the diaspora has to face the elections just like people at home face a series of imposed elections. The diaspora is free and better disposed in identifying elements that should be kept at a distance and in electing right candidates to bring in the necessary course correction in the outlook of the Transnational Government. In the meantime, moves for grass root political organizations in the diaspora should proceed unabated, because they are going to be the real fallback for the independent polity of Eezham Tamils.
Imperceptibly corporate colonialism has bought over governments big and small to function as its CEOs. Politicians, journalists, academics and their ilk no more work for countries or peoples. They have become civil servants to the corporate colonial system.
In this setting, helpless international organizations of humanity such as the UN have become only a den of facilitators of the colonial system.
The so-called Asian Model, being set by China and now trailed by some others too, is not an alternative to the crisis. It is worse since in this model the totalitarian state itself has turned into a brutal corporate, having no holds barred for military means.
Corporate colonialism, whether Western or Asian, seems to be thoroughly insensitive to local realities in bulldozing territories for setting its feet in.
The greed and competition of this corporate colonialism is what that crushed the military safeguards of Eezham Tamils without any consideration to the local genocidal reality present for ages in the island of Sri Lanka.
Some servants of corporate colonialism in the guise of peace brokers may prefer to put it in another phrase that the present world has no more appetite for new nation states.
The chauvinistic Sinhala State has only picked up the cue and has bartered facilitations to all shades of corporate colonialism for its license to commit genocide on Tamils. For this ‘diplomatic acumen’ the traitors of humanity in the Colombo government pat their own backs and corporate colonialists join them with praises.
Thus the territory of Eezham Tamil nation has become an open hunting ground for the forces of the Sinhala state and the entire island has fallen for the conquistadors of corporate colonialism.
How this conquest of corporate colonialism, without owning any responsibility at all for the outcome, is going to be of any meaning to it and to its model of ‘development’, when people of one nation are in grief beyond any consolation and people of another nation are in glee, is left to the international pundits setting the world’s ‘appetite’.
No Eezham Tamil can ever forgive or ever rest in peace until political justice and not mere war-crime justice, is delivered to Eezham Tamils by those who were responsible.
Justice will not come without Tamils working for it.
Beyond machinations orchestrated to deviate Tamils into defeatism, self-criticism, reconciliation, abandonment of the cause, participation in a self-destructing ‘development’ given by the corporates and managed by the Sinhala state, and so on, Eezham Tamils have to clearly understand who are the real perpetrators of crimes against them, why the crimes, what are the impediments in getting political justice and with what model of political organization they have to address the situation.
Eezham Tamils have two options: either to join hands with similarly oppressed peoples all over the world in a global struggle against the system, or to explore overlapping interests with corporate colonialism to secure Eezham Tamil national interests to become partners of the system, or following both lines to get guidance for choice from global responses.
For any line of polity, the Eezham Tamil identity and its nationalism have to be the basic, inalienable attributes of political organization, since the Eezham Tamils are long identified by these very attributes in State targeting them for oppression, and since there are no signs that the attitude will ever change in the island even if Tamils submit them for subjugation and accept the ‘minority formula’.
In fact the attitude of Sri Lankan State will be worse with the encouraging pat given by corporate colonialism. The emerging scenario even discourages Tamils hoping on progressive sections among Sinhalese in restructuring State in the island. Progressive sections among the Sinhalese should understand the plight of Eezham Tamils and their course of polity, with hopes for real reconciliation as equal partners when the time comes for it.
With Eezham Tamils having an extensive and exerting diaspora across the world, unless corporate colonialism strikes a balance with the national aspirations of the diaspora, no corporate colonial conquest can be successful in the island, even if any programme is implemented over dead bodies, incarcerated people, grieving hearts and over brutal demographic changes effected by Sinhala colonization of Tamil lands.
Here is where the global political organization of Eezham Tamils gains much significance. The diaspora has to realize its role and strength in the given global scenario and has to act with firmness and intelligence.
This is why many Eezham Tamils were elated at the idea of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam.
But it seems the concept has been hijacked at the outset itself to turn it into another CEO of corporate colonialism.
The outfits of corporate colonialism, functioning in the names of national and supra-national governments, like in their duplicity of giving words to Tamils and cash to Colombo, advise Tamils on one hand to have political organization for political struggle, but on the other hand want to muffle the real political voice of Tamils. They only want their voice to be echoed by Tamils.
Corporate colonialism, just like its paranoia for armed resistances of peoples, is also paranoid of mass-based political movements. Rather than seeing mass-based politics of Tamils it will be comfortable with elite-led pseudo polity that is easier to capture to function as its CEO. This is the secret behind the seeming support extended to Global Tamil Forum.
Today, people inclined to bring in mass-based, democratic Tamil polity, voicing the aspirations of Tamil hearts, are intimidated in various ways by unseen hands. The totalitarian elements in corporate colonialism don’t realise that this will backfire discouraging the probabilities of the true shade of Tamil struggle finding overlapping areas of interest.
Eezham Tamils in the diaspora have to carefully put to perusal the following questions on the organizational efforts of Transnational Government, especially against the backdrop of matters discussed above:
Why the concept outline under which elections are going to be conducted for the Transnational Government, is harping as its pivotal outlook on a ‘high power centre’ and a structure from top to bottom?
Why the forces behind the move, overt and covert, and their media, were vehemently opposed to and were working against mass political moves such as the re-mandate of Vaddukkoaddai Resolution and wider grass root political organizations such as the Country Councils?
Why the concept outlook of Transnational Government wanted to incorporate foreign policy and step-by-step approach as statutory?
The answers are simple.
TamilNet, which was advocating for Transnational Government even before the pronouncement of the present move in Malaysia, will not advise Eezham Tamils to abandon the move.
Rather, the view of TamilNet is that the diaspora has to face the elections just like people at home face a series of imposed elections.
But the diaspora is free and better disposed in identifying elements that should be kept at a distance and in introducing and electing right candidates to bring in the necessary course correction in the outlook of the Transnational Government.
It is learnt that there are already premeditated moves in certain countries to restrict mass participation by fixing an exorbitant nomination fee, cumbersome nomination process and difficult voting process to keep the TG elitist and esoteric.
Diaspora’s vigilance and response to the situation is of paramount importance. Otherwise, an esoteric section with pre-scheduled agenda is going to hoodwink the election without caring for mass participation and is going to claim that it is at the helm of Tamil polity.
In the meantime, moves for grass root political organizations in the diaspora across the world should proceed unabated, because they are going to be the real fallback for the independent polity of Eezham Tamils.
Political justice will not come by Tamils merely opting for tangential polity. Political justice will come only when it is proved inevitable without any other option to the interests of corporate colonialism, whether Western or Asian. In their heart, all the CEOs of the system know it. But, they will not act on their own.
Some diplomats in the West tell that unless Tamil Nadu rises up corporate India will not care for justice to Eezham Tamils.
In this context, corporate colonialism has taken enough care of politicians, academics and media of Tamil Nadu, which has its own corporate interests, to see that Tamil Nadu doesn’t rise up.
The global polity of Eezham Tamils should be able to evoke mass movements in Tamil Nadu and in the larger Tamil diaspora across the world.
For this, first the Eezham Tamils should tell unequivocally that they are Eezham Tamils and what they want is independence.
Any Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam that is half-hearted about this is not fit enough for that name.
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TamilNet Editorial Board
What is taking place all over the world today is a war of conquest by corporate colonialism, which is a sequence of colonialism and neo-colonialism.Imperceptibly corporate colonialism has bought over governments big and small to function as its CEOs. Politicians, journalists, academics and their ilk no more work for countries or peoples. They have become civil servants to the corporate colonial system.
In this setting, helpless international organizations of humanity such as the UN have become only a den of facilitators of the colonial system.
The so-called Asian Model, being set by China and now trailed by some others too, is not an alternative to the crisis. It is worse since in this model the totalitarian state itself has turned into a brutal corporate, having no holds barred for military means.
Corporate colonialism, whether Western or Asian, seems to be thoroughly insensitive to local realities in bulldozing territories for setting its feet in.
The greed and competition of this corporate colonialism is what that crushed the military safeguards of Eezham Tamils without any consideration to the local genocidal reality present for ages in the island of Sri Lanka.
Some servants of corporate colonialism in the guise of peace brokers may prefer to put it in another phrase that the present world has no more appetite for new nation states.
The chauvinistic Sinhala State has only picked up the cue and has bartered facilitations to all shades of corporate colonialism for its license to commit genocide on Tamils. For this ‘diplomatic acumen’ the traitors of humanity in the Colombo government pat their own backs and corporate colonialists join them with praises.
Thus the territory of Eezham Tamil nation has become an open hunting ground for the forces of the Sinhala state and the entire island has fallen for the conquistadors of corporate colonialism.
How this conquest of corporate colonialism, without owning any responsibility at all for the outcome, is going to be of any meaning to it and to its model of ‘development’, when people of one nation are in grief beyond any consolation and people of another nation are in glee, is left to the international pundits setting the world’s ‘appetite’.
No Eezham Tamil can ever forgive or ever rest in peace until political justice and not mere war-crime justice, is delivered to Eezham Tamils by those who were responsible.
Justice will not come without Tamils working for it.
Beyond machinations orchestrated to deviate Tamils into defeatism, self-criticism, reconciliation, abandonment of the cause, participation in a self-destructing ‘development’ given by the corporates and managed by the Sinhala state, and so on, Eezham Tamils have to clearly understand who are the real perpetrators of crimes against them, why the crimes, what are the impediments in getting political justice and with what model of political organization they have to address the situation.
Eezham Tamils have two options: either to join hands with similarly oppressed peoples all over the world in a global struggle against the system, or to explore overlapping interests with corporate colonialism to secure Eezham Tamil national interests to become partners of the system, or following both lines to get guidance for choice from global responses.
For any line of polity, the Eezham Tamil identity and its nationalism have to be the basic, inalienable attributes of political organization, since the Eezham Tamils are long identified by these very attributes in State targeting them for oppression, and since there are no signs that the attitude will ever change in the island even if Tamils submit them for subjugation and accept the ‘minority formula’.
In fact the attitude of Sri Lankan State will be worse with the encouraging pat given by corporate colonialism. The emerging scenario even discourages Tamils hoping on progressive sections among Sinhalese in restructuring State in the island. Progressive sections among the Sinhalese should understand the plight of Eezham Tamils and their course of polity, with hopes for real reconciliation as equal partners when the time comes for it.
With Eezham Tamils having an extensive and exerting diaspora across the world, unless corporate colonialism strikes a balance with the national aspirations of the diaspora, no corporate colonial conquest can be successful in the island, even if any programme is implemented over dead bodies, incarcerated people, grieving hearts and over brutal demographic changes effected by Sinhala colonization of Tamil lands.
Here is where the global political organization of Eezham Tamils gains much significance. The diaspora has to realize its role and strength in the given global scenario and has to act with firmness and intelligence.
This is why many Eezham Tamils were elated at the idea of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam.
But it seems the concept has been hijacked at the outset itself to turn it into another CEO of corporate colonialism.
The outfits of corporate colonialism, functioning in the names of national and supra-national governments, like in their duplicity of giving words to Tamils and cash to Colombo, advise Tamils on one hand to have political organization for political struggle, but on the other hand want to muffle the real political voice of Tamils. They only want their voice to be echoed by Tamils.
Corporate colonialism, just like its paranoia for armed resistances of peoples, is also paranoid of mass-based political movements. Rather than seeing mass-based politics of Tamils it will be comfortable with elite-led pseudo polity that is easier to capture to function as its CEO. This is the secret behind the seeming support extended to Global Tamil Forum.
Today, people inclined to bring in mass-based, democratic Tamil polity, voicing the aspirations of Tamil hearts, are intimidated in various ways by unseen hands. The totalitarian elements in corporate colonialism don’t realise that this will backfire discouraging the probabilities of the true shade of Tamil struggle finding overlapping areas of interest.
Eezham Tamils in the diaspora have to carefully put to perusal the following questions on the organizational efforts of Transnational Government, especially against the backdrop of matters discussed above:
Why the concept outline under which elections are going to be conducted for the Transnational Government, is harping as its pivotal outlook on a ‘high power centre’ and a structure from top to bottom?
Why the forces behind the move, overt and covert, and their media, were vehemently opposed to and were working against mass political moves such as the re-mandate of Vaddukkoaddai Resolution and wider grass root political organizations such as the Country Councils?
Why the concept outlook of Transnational Government wanted to incorporate foreign policy and step-by-step approach as statutory?
The answers are simple.
TamilNet, which was advocating for Transnational Government even before the pronouncement of the present move in Malaysia, will not advise Eezham Tamils to abandon the move.
Rather, the view of TamilNet is that the diaspora has to face the elections just like people at home face a series of imposed elections.
But the diaspora is free and better disposed in identifying elements that should be kept at a distance and in introducing and electing right candidates to bring in the necessary course correction in the outlook of the Transnational Government.
It is learnt that there are already premeditated moves in certain countries to restrict mass participation by fixing an exorbitant nomination fee, cumbersome nomination process and difficult voting process to keep the TG elitist and esoteric.
Diaspora’s vigilance and response to the situation is of paramount importance. Otherwise, an esoteric section with pre-scheduled agenda is going to hoodwink the election without caring for mass participation and is going to claim that it is at the helm of Tamil polity.
In the meantime, moves for grass root political organizations in the diaspora across the world should proceed unabated, because they are going to be the real fallback for the independent polity of Eezham Tamils.
Political justice will not come by Tamils merely opting for tangential polity. Political justice will come only when it is proved inevitable without any other option to the interests of corporate colonialism, whether Western or Asian. In their heart, all the CEOs of the system know it. But, they will not act on their own.
Some diplomats in the West tell that unless Tamil Nadu rises up corporate India will not care for justice to Eezham Tamils.
In this context, corporate colonialism has taken enough care of politicians, academics and media of Tamil Nadu, which has its own corporate interests, to see that Tamil Nadu doesn’t rise up.
The global polity of Eezham Tamils should be able to evoke mass movements in Tamil Nadu and in the larger Tamil diaspora across the world.
For this, first the Eezham Tamils should tell unequivocally that they are Eezham Tamils and what they want is independence.
Any Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam that is half-hearted about this is not fit enough for that name.
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