LTTE in their Heroes Day message pledge to continue the struggle until the aspirations of our National Heroes are achieved. Sinhala leaders who came to power since independence were hell bent on destroying the tamil identity and also to do away with the tamil people. The massacre of tamil people begun in 1956 has reached its peak in 2009. The voices of our motherland people is strangeled. The sinhalese leaders had never been ready to grant us a just, lawfull and respectable settlement of rights to us. We will advance our freedom struggle in various forms taking into consideration the internal and extermal factors and this shall be a long term project. We shall confront the challenges, overcome obstacles, overwhelm enemy forces and fight for the freedom of the tamil homeland, says the Heroes Day message.
"Beloved Tamil Eelam people, expatriate Tamil Eelam citizens, Tamil Nadu blood brothers, and the Tamils living all over the world, we declare to you our solemn promise. We shall continue our struggle until the aspirations of our National Heroes are achieved. We cannot live with the sinhalese people anymore. It is foolish to live in hope that the sinhalese governments would grant us our rights. We cannot be deceived any longer. The tamils have an incomparable history of personal valour, culture and accomplishments. The tamils may live in far flung corners of the globe, but their collective hearts beats in unison for the freedom of Tamil Eelam. We shall tread the path of destiny and obey the dictates of our time and continue the struggle till Tamil Eelam is established. We shall confront the challenges, overcome obstacles, overwhelm enemy forces and fight for the freedom of the tamil homeland. We request the Tamils of the world to do and perform all and every act necessary to advance our freedom struggle," says the message released by the LTTE Head Office.