The source said the army officials have implemented strict routines in the camp. Each day starts with the hoisting of the national flag of Sri Lanka in the open space. All the detainees are made to assemble in rows in front of the flag and are ordered to give military salutes when the pre-recorded national anthem is played on the audio and then made force marching for half an hour. Army officers with batons and canes are present to ensure strict adherence to the ceremony. Those who failed to give the salutes are beaten after the ceremony in front of other inmates.
The very same routine is said to be practiced in the evening when the flag is brought down.
The source confirmed torture is a routine practice in the camp. He said there were occasions when young LTTE female cadres were taken away in the night and returned the next day morning. He further said some of them were not brought back and their fate is unknown.
The dispirited source said, provision of food for the detainees is bare minimum in the camp and there are no recreational activities to rehabilitate them.
According to the source, one disoriented detainee had said that he had attempted to commit suicide couple of times and circumstances had prevented him from doing so. He had told that he has no choice other than committing suicide as he cannot prolong with the humiliation and suffering in the camp. (By Sri Lanka Guardian Correspondent in Vavuniya)