Photographs of suspects of Tamil Tigers with ‘dog-tag’ imprisoned at undisclosed torture camps in Sri Lanka
Media has much reported on the fate of more than 300,000 tamil IDPs currently held in internment camps funded by UN and International agencies and their lack of freedom of movement.
These rare images emerging from Sri Lanka shows the forgotten storey of Tamils who are “dog-tag”ed and arrested by Sri Lankan Military Officers for interrogations as possible suspects of Tamil Tigers.
Sri Lankan government has claimed that they have arrested more than 10,000 suspects but ICRC has only access 2,000 of them.
None of this suspects were produced in courts and don’t have access to any legal support & effectively in illegal imprisonment.
These rare images emerging from Sri Lanka shows the forgotten storey of Tamils who are “dog-tag”ed and arrested by Sri Lankan Military Officers for interrogations as possible suspects of Tamil Tigers.
Sri Lankan government has claimed that they have arrested more than 10,000 suspects but ICRC has only access 2,000 of them.
None of this suspects were produced in courts and don’t have access to any legal support & effectively in illegal imprisonment.