LTTE calls on IC to support Diaspora actions to deliver humanitarian aid

Noting that the UN and the rest of the International Community has a moral obligation to support the initiative launched by the Tamil Diaspora to deliver humanitarian aid direct to the Tamil people in Vanni, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Political Head Quarters in a statement issued on Tuesday urged the International Community to extend "moral, political and logistical support to implement this initiative."

Full text of the press statement issued by the LTTE Political Head Quarters follows:

Media release

Political Head Quarters
Liberation Tigers of TamilEelam
Tamil Eelam


‘Support Diaspora actions to deliver humanitarian aid’ -LTTE calls on the International Community-

Faced with imminent deaths by starvation directly attributable to the Sri Lankan regime’s deliberate denial of food and humanitarian assistance to the Tamil people, the Tamil Diaspora has initiated measures to deliver humanitarian aid direct to the Tamil people in the Vanni/Mullaitivu region. The LTTE calls on the international community to support these actions to deliver humanitarian aid. We expect the International Community to extend moral, political and logistical support to implement this initiative.

We draw attention to the nine deaths by starvation in the last few days and the real fear that the death toll could rise exponentially in the coming days. The Diaspora’s initiative in these circumstances has become even more urgent as the 165,000 civilians face starvation. The action by the Diaspora comes at a time when the Sri Lankan regime has violated all international humanitarian laws and has rejected the request by the UN and other humanitarian agencies to supply food and medicine to the population.

On 2nd April 2008, 60 MT of World Food Programme food was supplied by the ICRC whereas the requirement as estimated by the World Food Programme (WFP) was 2475MT. Since then the ICRC has been barred from supplying food by the Sri Langan Government though WFP is ready provide the required food and other essential items. The LTTE had pursued this matter with the ICRC and several other humanitarian agencies but with little success. Meanwhile, the Sri Lanka persists with its war crime despite the matter being repeatedly brought to the attention of the international community. We are aware that the Foreign Ministers of the UK and France along with the UN having noted the situation have attempted to redress the situation but have been unsuccessful. The Sri Lankan regime’s refusal to heed international concerns and pursue its genocidal actions is yet to be countered with strong measures by the International Community. Even those agencies and foreign governments which are engaged in providing humanitarian aid to people detained in various concentration camps have been denied access to the 165,000 people living in the LTTE administered areas.

The Tamil Diaspora’s actions to provide direct humanitarian assistance has been prompted by this grave and imminent danger faced by our people. The situation of the Tamil people who are being subject to shelling and bombings has been made much worse by the deliberate withholding of food and medicine. The UN and the rest of the International Community has a moral obligation to support this initiative by the Tamil Diaspora.