Veteran film director Bhartiraja Friday said that his attempt to chase all 'Tamil traitors' from the state would begin May 4 from the temple town of Kanchipuram.
Tamil Film industry formed a new alliance to support Eelam Tamils. A press briefing was organized by the alliance headed by Director Bharathira Friday in Chennai.
All those who are Tamil traitors, supporting the intentions of the Sinhalese chauvinists against the Tamil ethnic minority in Sri Lanka have no place in Tamil Nadu,' Bharathiraja told reporters at the press briefing.
Reacting to questions on his itinerary focussing only on Congress nominees' constituencies, Raja said: 'We are focussing against all those contestants whose parties have stabbed Tamils in the back and forced them to suffer a fate worse than those of Jews earlier in the Middle-East.'
Directors Seeman, Sunderrajan and R.K. Selvamani besides a number of sympathisers of Eelam Tamils also addressed the journalists.
The new alliance has scheduled a series of protest campaigns starting from May 4.
May 4, at Chennai, Kanchipuram, Arani, Selam
May 5, from Salem to Erode
May 6, Thirupur to Dindugal
May 7, Dindugal to Virudunagar
May 8, Virudunagar to Thenkasi
May 9, Thenkasi to Thirunelveli
May 10, Thirunelveli to Siva Gangai
May 11, Siva Gangai to Kadalur, Puducheri
Polling in Tamil Nadu starts on May 13