[TamilNet, Saturday, 07 March 2009, 19:07 GMT]
Dr. Santhiyamoorthy, the Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) for Ki'linochchi district on Saturday people do not have vegetables or fruits to eat and severe malnutrition is going to be the result if they are not provided with nutritious food. He also said 50% of the children admitted at the hospital were coming with the history of watery diarrhoea which could have been caused by the food pattern.
There is no improvement in health or food situation of the people as adequate supplies were not reaching them, the doctor further said.
Dr. Santhiyamoorthy, the Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) for Ki'linochchi district on Saturday people do not have vegetables or fruits to eat and severe malnutrition is going to be the result if they are not provided with nutritious food. He also said 50% of the children admitted at the hospital were coming with the history of watery diarrhoea which could have been caused by the food pattern.
There is no improvement in health or food situation of the people as adequate supplies were not reaching them, the doctor further said.