This month is going to be very decisive in Eelam Tamil history! Tamil Diaspora has to shoulder more.
it’s between do or die
Rise above all odds to safeguard humanity. In every hour of our silence 8 people die or injured.The human catastrophe has reached an unprecedented level in Vanni; the worst human tragedy in our times is happening in Vanni. People there have lost all hopes for life; they are leading a jungle life, no roof above or food around; only deadly artillery fires and bombers above and snakes and insects around. They are asking, is the humanity dead in this world? World has shown them power and politics are more important than human lives and humanity.
In Vanni, more than 350,000 people have been marooned into a narrow strip of barren land without shelter, food, medicine and now no drinking water too. On top of this continuous aerial attacks and bombardments have made them run like nothing for their life, though have lost all their energy with continuous starvation and injuries. No words to say about the plight of infants and children, their suffering is the worst, their cries out of hunger and fear are going to be the worst curse on humanity. According to a recent report, due to acute malnutrition, thousands of mothers of newborn babies have gone barren to feed babies and the substitute of powdered milk is also not available. Pregnant women are at highest risk of serious complications from infectious diseases under the prevailing condition. Very high rate of infectious diseases are found among children, including respiratory diseases and diarrhea. Injured and sick are suffering without basic medicines like antibiotics and pain killers. Patients with chronic diseases and seriously injured are dying without medicines.
With the government’s ban on food and medicine, the food & medicine conveys are not permitted into Vanni for few months now, except for a load of 600 metric tons sent by ship with huge publicity. With the small amount of stock available, the local co-operative society authorities had to limit the supplies to 17,000 families, supplying 1 kg flour, 50 grams of sugar and 50 grams of dhal per family. Families with five or more members were prioritized. According to Vanni reports, there is an acute shortage of food and medicine, food is scarcely enough for a week only and many are going to starve to death.
With every hour of our silence, on average 8 people die or injured by the Sri Lankan governments indiscriminate attack. With the acute shortage of medicine, the injured are to be proclaimed as dead. And in addition to this, many more are going to die of starvation. Nothing more is there to talk about the detention camps and security screening. Another Rwanda and Somalia is being created in South Asia.Hitlerism returns to the world in the guise of war against terror, is the world going to be a silent witness? Many evidences were brought out to show that, it was a pure act of genocide of Tamils by Sri Lankan government. But why still the international community is silent?
At this moment of time Tamil Diaspora has to shoulder more responsibility to safe the Tamil race in Sri Lanka. This month (March) is going to be very decisive in Eelam Tamil history,it’s between do or die. Irrespective of all odds either we, Tamil Diaspora move forward more aggressively than before and bring our demands before the world or allow our Tamil brethren to die in the hands Sinhala chauvinism and allow remaining Tamils to live as slaves in their own motherland. What are we going to do?
Tamil National Network.
{1} Tamil Genocide Videos
Interview with Mr.Kanalingam the head of the welfare society - hunger deaths
32 Civilians killed and many injured in safety zone by SLA shelling - 25th Feb 2009
Humanitarian Crisis in Vanni - Part II
Humanitarian Crisis in Vanni - Part I
30 Tamil Families wiped out in massive attack by Sri Lankan Army in Vanni - 18th Feb 2009
War on Tamil Civilians - Clips from Vanni Part II
Massive air attack on civilian targets,Scores killed,18th Feb 2009 Aananthapuram
Interview with School Teacher, Mr. Sothinathan, in the Vanni
Interview with Mr.Pathmanathan head of Kilinochi co-operative group
30 Tamil Families wiped out in massive attack by Sri Lankan Army in Vanni - Part II - 18th Feb 2009
More and More videos
{2} Genocide Photos