[TamilNet, Wednesday, 04 February 2009, 16:31 GMT]
Upto 5000 Tamils rallied during peak hour traffic through Sydney City, Australia on Wednesday 4 February to urge the Australian government to support international calls for a ceasefire in Sri Lanka as well as highlight the need for an independent Tamil homeland in response to continued acts of genocide by the Sri Lankan army upon Tamil civilians. "For 61 years the Tamils have lived without peace, justice or freedom," says Lakshmi Kathir, a high school student. "Today maybe Sri Lanka's Independence Day, but for the Tamils it is the day we lost our liberty," she added.
Mr Ian Cohen, a Minister of State Parliament who addressed the crowd, confirmed the Greens party's support towards the recognition of Tamils' rights in Sri Lanka.
Protestors chanted slogans such as "We want Tamil Eelam", "Sri Lanka, stop the killing" and "Australia, save the Tamils" whilst carrying placards that read "The Charge is Genocide; the Struggle is for Freedom".
Upto 5000 Tamils rallied during peak hour traffic through Sydney City, Australia on Wednesday 4 February to urge the Australian government to support international calls for a ceasefire in Sri Lanka as well as highlight the need for an independent Tamil homeland in response to continued acts of genocide by the Sri Lankan army upon Tamil civilians. "For 61 years the Tamils have lived without peace, justice or freedom," says Lakshmi Kathir, a high school student. "Today maybe Sri Lanka's Independence Day, but for the Tamils it is the day we lost our liberty," she added.
Mr Ian Cohen, a Minister of State Parliament who addressed the crowd, confirmed the Greens party's support towards the recognition of Tamils' rights in Sri Lanka.
Protestors chanted slogans such as "We want Tamil Eelam", "Sri Lanka, stop the killing" and "Australia, save the Tamils" whilst carrying placards that read "The Charge is Genocide; the Struggle is for Freedom".