Assistant Director of Fisheries in Mannaar, J.G.Jujin and another civilian were killed when a Sri Lanka Army Deep Penetration Unit (DPU) Claymore mine targeted an ambulance of the Ki'linochchi hospital at Muzhangkaavil in Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) controlled Vanni Friday around 8:00 a.m., initial reports said.
The ambulance which returned from Vavuniyaa after admitting patients in Vavuniyaa hospital picked up civilians on its way to Ki'linochchi. Mr. Jujin, 55, a father of six children, hails from Periya Pa'ndivirichchaan.
Friday, 23 May 2008
The ambulance which returned from Vavuniyaa after admitting patients in Vavuniyaa hospital picked up civilians on its way to Ki'linochchi. Mr. Jujin, 55, a father of six children, hails from Periya Pa'ndivirichchaan.
Friday, 23 May 2008